Data for artifacts with a predicted Jemez source likely misclassified by a classifiication tree model.
A data set containing the predicted source code, lab ID, element values, and first two principal components for these artifacts.
A data frame with 11 rows and 9 variables:
- group
A character with the code for the predicted source.
- ID
The laboratory ID for the artifact.
- Rb
A vector with the rubidium values.
- Sr
A vector with with the strontium values.
- Y
A vector with the ytterbium values.
- Zr
A vector with the zirconium values.
- Nb
A vector with with the niobium values.
- pc1
A vector with the values of the first principal component of the principal component plot of the Jemez sources and the artifacts.
- pc2
A vector with the values of the second principal component of the principal component plot of the Jemez sources and the artifacts.