A list used to verify that ps_randomForest() is valid
A list used to verify that ps_randomForest() is valid
A list with the following elements
- usage:
A string with the contents of the argument doc, the date run, the version of R used
- dataUsed:
The contents of the argument data restricted to the groups used
- sourcesNA:
A data frame with data from the data frame data with missing values, NÁ if no missing values
- analyticVars:
A vector with the value of the argument AnalyticVars
- params:
A list with the values of the grouping, logical, and numeric arguments
- formulaRf:
The formula used in the analysis (the variables specified in the argument AnalyticVars separated by + signs)
- forest:
A summary of the random forest call, estimated error rate, and confusion matrix
- importance:
A data frame with information on the importance of each variable in AnalyticVars
- confusion:
A data frame with the estimate of the confusion matrix
- predictedData:
A data frame with the artifact data used for predictions; if there is missing data, after imputation of the missing data
- predictedNA:
A data frame with the observations for which missing data were imputed; NA if there are no missing data
- predictedSources:
A data frame with prediction information, sample ID (if requested), and values of AnalyticVars
- predictedTotals:
A vector with the predicted totals for each group (source)
- impError:
The estimated OOB (out of bag) error for imputed predictor data; NA if no imputed data
- location:
The value of the parameter folder