A list used to verify that ps_pcaEvaluation() is valid
A list used to verify that ps_pcaEvaluation() is valid
A list with the following elements
- usage:
A vector with the contents of the argument doc, the date run, the version of R used
- sourceData:
The contents of the argument SourceData restricted to knownSources
- sourcesNA:
A data frame with source observations with missing data for analytic variables; NA if no missing data
- unknownData:
The contents of the argument unknownData restricted to predictedSources
- unknownsNA:
A data frame with unknown observations with missing data for analytic variables; NA if no missing data
- impError
Normalized root mean square error estimate for imputed data; NA if no missing data
- params:
A list with the values of the grouping and source arguments and values of the logical arguments
- analyticVars:
A vector with the value of the argument AnalyticVars
- tableInOut:
A data frame with counts of the numbers of unknowns inside and outside of each predicted source location
- ptsOutside:
A data frame with the data for unknown points located outside of the predicted source
- dataCheck:
If Identify=TRUE, a data frame with the observations in dataUsed identified as of interest; value is c(NA,NA) if no points are identified
- location:
The value of the parameter folder