Function to plot and check a specified pair of analysis variables for bivariate normality.
- data
A matrix or data frame containing the data to be analyzed
- ps_groupVar
The name for the variable defining grouping, " " if no grouping
- ps_pair
A vector of length two with the names of two analytic variables to be shown in the plots
- ps_scatterplot
Logical: specify whether to show scatter plots when ps_qqPlot = FALSE
- ps_qqPlot
Logical: specify whether to show the q-q plots with the bootstrap envelopes and multivariate plots
- ps_identify
Logical: if TRUE, user can identify points of interest in the plots
#' @return A data frame if ps_identify = FALSE) or list with the following components:
pvalues A data frame with the p-values for univariate and bivariate tests of normality
dataCheck If ps_identify = TRUE, a data frame with the information on user-identified points of interest; otherwise, NA