Check whether first two principal components are Gaussian
doc = "ps_pcaGaussian",
gaussID = " ",
varPair = c("PC1", "PC2"),
qqPlot = TRUE,
gaussIdentify = FALSE,
folder = " "
- doc
Documentation for the analysis, default if the function name
- data
An R matrix or data frame containing the data to be analyzed
- GroupVar
The name for variable defining grouping; a group variable is required
- Groups
A vector of values of group variable for which plots are to be done; if "All"', use all groups
- gaussID
An optional name for an ID, default is " " if no ID
- analyticVars
A vector of names (character values) of analytic results
- varPair
A vector of names (character values) of the variable pair to be analyzed, default is first two principal components
- qqPlot
Logical, should Q-Q plots (univariate with the bootstrap envelope, multivariate) be shown; default is TRUE
- gaussIdentify
Logical, should user identify points of interest, default is FALSE
- folder
The path to the folder in which data frames will be saved; default is " "
The function returns a list with the following components:
usage: A vector with the contents of the argument doc, the date run, the version of R used
dataUsed: The contents of the argument data restricted to the groups used
dataNA: A data frame with observations containing a least one missing value for an analysis variable, NA if no missing values
params_grouping: A list with the values of the arguments GroupVar and Groups
analyticVars: A vector with the value of the argument analyticVars
params_logical: The value of QQtest
p_values: A data frame with the p-values for the Gaussian assumptions for each group specified
dataCheck: A data frame with data identified as generating points of interest; value is NA if no points are identified
location: The value of the parameter folder
This function uses the function ps_2dPlotGauss(). The function produces p-values from univariate and multivariate tests of normality. It produces Q-Q plots of the first two principal components for each group, as well as those plots with bootstrap envelopes and the bivariate Q-Q plot if qqPlot=TRUE.