Chemical composition of obsidian artifacts
A data set containing data on five elements from 91 obsidian artifacts from the Pojoaque Valley in north central New Mexico. The element presence values (parts per million) were obtained using x-ray fluorescence at Steve Shackley's laboratory in Albuquerque, New Mexico (using a different instrument than the one used to analyze the obsidian source data).
A data frame with 91 rows and 7 variables:
- Code
A one-character variable with a code for the Jemez source identified by Shackely using a 2- or 3-dimensional scatterplot
- ID
A character variable with an artificial lab ID; the first character is A; the remaining characters are 1:91
- Rb
The rubidium value
- Sr
The strontium value
- Y
The ytterbium value
- Zr
The zirconium value
- Nb
The niobium value